Hello dolls, this post is a little different from my usual beauty/chatty posts but for the best part of 5 months I have been attending a slimming world class. I always talk about how body confident I am and don't get me wrong I'm happy whatever my body looks like because I think it's so bloody important to love yourself because we only get one of us after all! However, I just thought it was time to get rid of the excess that wasn't necessarily making me unhappy but it was unnecessary for it to be there. 

Obviously, I was anxious to go into big group of people and talk about something that is a little nerve wracking for me but it was honestly the best decision I've ever made. You've just got to think that everyone there is at that class for the exact same reason and it's so refreshing to know that you're not the only one that comfort eats when you're feeling down or even feeling happy plus, the tips you get from everyone is just amazing because there are some things that you would never have thought of yourself. 

I joined Slimming World on 13th May and honestly, I did not think I would stick it out for this long and neither did the people around me (but I've proved them wrong!) One of the main factors for sticking it out is because I'm doing it with my mamma and I don't think I could do it without her. We are each other's support networks and help each other out so much if we're feeling the need to have something bad or just feeling a bit bored. So, I guess that is TIP 1- TAKE SOMEONE TO A CLASS WITH YOU, it's makes you feel happier knowing you're not going on your own which is half the battle in my case. 

TIP 2- USE YOUR BOOKS. You'll be given a number of books that will tell you what is what and what you can eat and how you need to balance out the bad things. The issue most people have when I tell them about Slimming World is "OH, but isn't it all green and red days? That would confuse me so much!." NOPE, it's as simple as extra easy meaning you can eat meat and pasta/potatoes together. You can eat carbs and it's all FREE! The books become important as this is your go to book to tell you what is free (which is 80% of it all). 

TIP 3- BE ORGANISED & PLAN! I personally think it is so important to sit down and write everything I have eaten so I know exactly what I have consumed and most importantly what else can I eat. This is not only for you to know but also for your consultant to know that you are eating the right things and also that you are doing things right because it is possible to stray away. 

TIP 4- APPRECIATE YOUR AWARDS AND EFFORTS- Losing weight is a massive thing and when you hit milestones of course you need to appreciate them and shout them from the rooftops! I find it helpful and warming when I post my certificates on Instagram because then people from all over the country who are also doing Slimming World have the chance to congratulate you which is always nice. 

TIP 5- USE SOCIAL NETWORKING. Many classes have Facebook pages to join so you can share tips, contact your consultant and even to have a chat to someone when you're feeling a bit bored of your weekly eating trends (it happens!) Also, like I said earlier it is always nice to speak to other people from other parts of the country to see what they like to do so get involved! 


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